Our Founder

Kanwardeep Ahluwalia

There’s no greater potential energy in society than in the young people we nurture. Few of them have any idea of what they are capable of, too many of them are not afforded the chances they need to discover for themselves.

KICK’s mission is to help unlock that potential energy, particularly for those who have disadvantages in life. A helping hand, some encouragement and support can provide the key to inspire, motivate and enable something dynamic.

Kanwardeep Ahluwalia

When I was a child, I’m proud to say I had no idea I was ‘disadvantaged’. Though my father died when I was young, the love and care of my mother and sister made me feel special.

Together we lived in a council house. My bedroom was 6’ by 6’, I had free school meals, no family car and never had a holiday, save for one solitary day trip to the beach.

No joke, I didn’t feel disadvantaged, I felt special, really. As my education improved, my feelings changed.

I was sixteen when a close friend, exasperated by a trivial disagreement, told me it was “because you don’t have a father”. In a ridiculous moment of realisation, a glass wall came down, a degree of separation from him and everyone else.

At eighteen I went up to Oxford. I became self-conscious of being from an immigrant, largely impoverished community; another glass wall dropped. (I adopted an English-sounding name, petrified of another degree of separation).

I went to Cambridge at twenty-one and left at twenty-seven. With my Ph.D. in hand I secured a role in an American investment bank, “you’re going to be rich!” squealed my American best friend. Five years later I had been promoted to be a Senior Managing Director, I had a good income, and needed to give something back.

KICK was an idea born from this. Why not help the community you came from? Why not help other children develop their potential? Why not help break through those glass walls kids inevitably realise exist around them?

Kickstart Initiatives for Community Kids supports cultural, educational and sporting activity for less-privileged children. KICK commenced with support for children in Southall and has gradually branched out across London and further afield. I’m really excited about the future we can inspire.